
How to Cite
Ludeña González , G. F. ., De Piérola García, V. M. D. P. G. ., & Campechano Escalona, E. J. . (2021). El derecho europeo-americano y su recepción en la Pontificia y real Universidad de San Cristóbal de Huamanga en Perú. Latitude, 1(14), 52–67. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v1i14.147
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The careful reading of files from the regional archive of Ayacucho - in spite of those who believe that the judicial files are cold testimonies of useless procedural incidents - have constituted a true inspiration for the present investigation as a short historical scientific article, which seeks transmit to society as a whole how - from the interaction of society and law, societies are legalized, denoting those circumstances of participation of normative profusion as accused features of society even since the colony, which to say with property, seems a Pandora's box, then, the first half of the XIX century, turned out to be a difficult stage, and obviously the one that concentrated interest; that is to say, one characterized by the decline and end of the Spanish empire and the emergence of the new Republic; These two great historical events and fundamentally at the same time as the last years of the colonial period and the first years of the Republic, evidently constitute a preponderant source of legal historical information for the present study, hence the precise findings of how, during the first years of Republican life continued to govern Colonial Law in its compiled form, and the reason for the permanence of civil laws that remained in force during practically the entire half of the 19th century was marked by a hyperlexia, a term whose meaning was coined by Bayliss Manning, in the 1970s in the United States, as a socio-legal concept to allude to the 'irrational' increase in lawsuits and laws, to understand how and why societies are legalized and how and in what circumstances historical actors interact, including for societies From the past.



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