Cómo citar
Bernal , A. (2017). Analysis of “The Critical Period Hypothesis reconsidered: Successful Adult Learners of Hungarian and English” by Marianne Nikolov. Latitude, (10), 46–49. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.qlu.ac.pa/index.php/latitude/article/view/122
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Nikolov’s article appeared in the International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching in January 2000. In it, the author does not directly state the research questions, but the following may be inferred: a. Can some adults who started SLA after puberty achieve native-like proficiency? b. What motivated them and what strategies did they use?

Before the evidence is explained, it is worth mentioning how the sampling was conducted. The instrument that the author used was an interview. In this interview, the participants had to talk about their language learning experiences. After that, they had to describe an embarrassing moment in their life or a happy moment they remembered with pleasure. Finally, they had to read out loud an authentic passage in the target language. These samples were recorded on tape, and then some children, students and teachers were to identify whether the speaker was a native or not.


Nikolov, M. (2000). The Critical Period Hypothesis reconsidered: Successful adult
learners of Hungarian and English. Retrieved from
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marianne_Nikolov/publication/249930949_ The_Critical_Period_Hypothesis_reconsidered_Successful_adult_learners_of_Hungarian_and_English/links/55ca8eee08aebc967dfbe604/The-Critical-Period-Hypothesis-reconsidered-Successful-adult-learners-of-Hungarian-and-English.pdf


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