
How to Cite
Barandica Perilla, M. (2020). Migrantes Venezolanos en Colombia, entre la Xenofobia y Aporofobia; una Aproximación al Reforzamiento Mediático del Mensaje de Exclusión”. Latitude, 2(13), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i13.100
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The Venezuelan population that currently crosses the border of their country in search of solutions to the serious humanitarian crisis prevailing in their territory then arrives in different countries around the world. In the case of Colombia, a country bordering Venezuela, it currently has the highest arrival rate of migrants and refugees from that country. Currently, in Colombia there is a worrying context that shows how recurrent rejection, discrimination, and attacks on Venezuelan refugees have become. These behaviors that dehumanize and attack dignity are not common towards the rest of foreign citizens. For example, it is observed that Colombians do not reject or mistreat any foreigner who comes to the country with the intention of investing in it, something that happens in the opposite way towards the Venezuelans with no apparent purchasing power and who come to the country in search of refuge. This characterization of the assessment of Venezuelans’ rejection shows evidence that the problem is much more complex and profound, which allows the thesis to be put forward that, in Colombia, Venezuelans face discrimination based on the socioeconomic condition they present and could be facing. A situation of xenophobia and aporophobia, the message of exclusion being reinforced by the configuration of media discourses.



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(Oxford Committee for Famine Relief) OXFAM 2019, página web.


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