
How to Cite
Díaz, P. (2021). Equipment Reposition Optimization. Latitude, 2(14), 132–155. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i14.169
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Maritime Lines need continuous equipment flow to maintain their service and operations among the port network they call. The ideal scenario for a shipping company would be every inbound container exported as a full container loaded in a short term.

Reposition costs begin right after the container has been discharged and it will increase every day if the unused unit stays in a depot. The Maritime Lines will bear these costs for a while to quicken the process, but in the end, producers and consumers will pay all. This project is being undertaken because it is necessary to identify equipment imbalances and plan equipment repositioning with minimum costs and transit times, besides trying to get credit for export cargoes by import units using the drop-off fee paid by the shipper. This way, better equipment control, which will benefit the customers, will be obtained. This strategy will help companies to avoid negative contributions by earning more cargo volume and offering competitive rates.



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