
How to Cite
GUARDADO LÓPEZ, S. C. . (2022). NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AS A FIRST CONTACT FOR THE PREVENTION OF ANTISOCIALITY. Latitude, 2(16), 94–126. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i16.198
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This article establishes the importance of neuropsychological diagnosis as a tool that can detect brain dysfunction, scientifically consolidating and in a coordinated way the preventive work of criminology to understand the origin of the antisocial behaviors that are gestated in minors and that are not well diagnosed or attended by the personnel and authorities of the school facilities. Behaviors characterized by aggressiveness, impulsivity, inattention and low academic performance, to name a few, tend to be normalized by those who make up the minor's close circle: the family. While the teachers and academic staff of the educational campus lack the preparation and resources to deal with such behaviors that become habitual. A timely scientific and clinical-educational detection of the origin of antisocial behaviors with a solid neuropsychological support can be the difference between the academic and social success of the minor against the path of school dropout and the antisociality that will lead to criminal behaviors that damage the community.



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