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The following investigation aims to evaluate the hidden costs generated by employees during teleworking, due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Republic of Panama. The sample consisted of 383 teleworkers to whom the data collection instrument related to the costs that occur as a result of teleworking was applied, since they had to face extra expenses for this work method. An analysis was carried out using the main descriptive statistics and the Mood median, determining the mean, median and mode of hidden costs in the country and the most relevant differences in hidden costs between the different categories of teleworkers. At the end, the total average costs generated by teleworkers and the expenses that are associated with the teleworker variables are presented, which are: gender, age range, work area, telework modality, working time, the economic availability and the size of the company. It was found that in Panama for teleworking, women have higher costs than men; youth and young adults have lower costs; the work areas with the highest costs were education and marketing, while the lowest were human resources and finance; small and medium-sized businesses generate a greater amount of hidden costs for their employees; the higher the teleworker's income, the higher the hidden costs; the more hours dedicated to teleworking, the higher the costs. Finally, it is confirmed that there is a significant difference between the variables of teleworkers and the hidden costs generated.
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