
How to Cite
BROCE, A., GUTIERREZ, T., & JIMENEZ, G. (2023). AGILE METHODOLOGY IN HUMAN MANAGEMENT. Latitude, 1(17), 90–100. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v1i17.214
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In human management, it is important to implement methods that are efficient in relation to the trends and best practices that arise and provide real value, either to undertake a project, and more importantly, to transform the culture of our organizations towards a more efficient and agile era. The VUCA environment in which we currently live has impacted the way in which organizations must operate to be more competitive and earn a place in today's market. This has caused them to adapt their rigid processes to flexible, participatory, democratic and efficient ways of working in order to carry out their projects in a more agile way, in search of results in less time than usual. This is where the so-called agile methodologies take on great relevance, which come to break paradigms and bring a wide variety of benefits to the business sector.

Although the agile methodology was born with the objective of improving the processes used for the development of software projects and thus obtain results in less time, taking into account the opinion of the client in relation to the prototypes during their development, its effectiveness has sparked interest for extend its scope of application to the HR area, from recruitment processes, improvement of the organization's performance, among others. To focus on competitiveness and its importance in the post-covid era, we will focus on the agile methodology as a tool to improve team performance in organizations and its positive impact on processes of attraction, talent retention, problem solving, reinforcement of the employer brand, among others.



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