
How to Cite
VEJERANO, C., & GONZÁLEZ-TRUJILLO, J. (2024). THE AVAILABLE LEXICON OF STUDENTS OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL BASED ON FIVE CENTERS OF INTEREST. Latitude, 1(19), 48–70. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v1i19.243
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Lexical availability refers to the set of words that speakers have in their mental repertoire and use based on the specific topic of communication. This information is obtained through surveys administered to speakers, and it is measured using the availability index, which considers the frequency of a word's occurrence and its degree of dispersion. This scientific article presents research on lexical availability in a group of ninth-grade students in a school in Panama City. The sample was taken considering five areas of interest, including food and drinks, means of transportation, animals, professions and occupations, and clothing. Surveys were conducted both in-person and virtually, and the responses were analyzed using tools available on the DispoLex website. The results revealed differences in lexical availability based on gender, sociocultural level, and survey administration mode. Additionally, words with high availability were identified in each area of interest, as well as variations in lexical preferences among speakers.



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López, H. (1995). Los estudios de disponibilidad léxica: pasado y presente. Boletín de Filología, 35, págs. 245-259

Paredes García, F. (2012). Desarrollos teóricos y metodológicos recientes de los estudios de disponibilidad léxica. Revista Nebrija De Lingüística Aplicada a La Enseñanza De Lenguas, 6(11), 70 - 94. https://doi.org/10.26378/rnlael611177

Villarreal, M. (9 de diciembre de 2013). Glosario de disponibilidad léxica de Panamá. http://melquiadesvillarrealcastillo.blogspot.com/2013/12/glosario-de-disponibilidad-lexica-de.html


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