
How to Cite
D’ALFONSO, D., & DE LEÓN SAUTÚ, N. (2024). EXPLORING THE DIGITAL GAP IN PANAMANIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION: AN ANALYSIS OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE USAGE. Latitude, 2(20), 63–81. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i20.259 (Original work published September 10, 2024)
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Taking into account the increasing importance of technology in education, this article examines the technological infrastructure and the use of programming languages in middle schools in the metropolitan region of Panama, through a descriptive study of a sample of 24 schools participating in the 2019 National Informatics Olympiad (ONI in Spanish). Data collection was conducted through a survey designed by the ONI organizing team. Differences between public and private schools were evident in terms of technological infrastructure and use of programming tools. Private schools have more resources, utilize a wider variety of programming languages, and do so more frequently. It was also found that, in general, the most commonly used languages are not those recommended by the latest international literature on teaching programming at the secondary level, nor are they the most complementary to rapidly growing technological fields. The findings highlight the need to address disparities in technology access between public and private schools, as well as to promote teacher training and coordinate educational policies that encourage the use of programming languages that best suited for the secondary school students and that best complement the rapid advances in artificial intelligence.




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