
How to Cite
Vizcaino, A., & Lobo , J. . (2020). Don’t Just Build: Bridge the Gap. Latitude, 2(13), 76–89. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i13.98
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This article addresses issues of reading and interpreting construction from architectural, social, educational, and religious angles. We argue in this essay that reading the landscape of a city and the intricacies of a community are the same as reading a book. This reading act implies a very complex process that includes not only comparing and analyzing visual, historical, socio-cultural, and verbal information to connect the dots of inequality. It also involves acting within a social realm to bridge the gap between the silenced voices of the disenfranchised and the voices of power holders. Two examples of social builders in regards to this topic have been provided.



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