
How to Cite
Lindo, M. (2021). Developing a Value Proposition Through the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Latitude, 2(14), 156–174. https://doi.org/10.55946/latitude.v2i14.170
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During the 1970s, Thomas L. Saaty developed a mathematical methodology that allows reaching a decision-making process, called the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), which takes into consideration the most important alternatives that must be handled to answer or address a problem. It also considers all the attributes or logical criteria that allow evaluating whether the decision to be made is the most efficient and correct. This applied research addresses the AHP methodology to recommend to a regional airline the options that they should consider implementing as benefits that will make up their value proposition for their corporate customers, in order to increase customer satisfaction and reverse the values ​​of uneven distribution that it presents. at the moment. The study also addresses concepts based on strategy and competitive advantage



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