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The changes introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic have generated changes in educational processes in general and in the evaluation process in particular, where the actors must resort to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to mediate the process of compiling the necessary evidence to measure academic performance. The objective of this research work was to identify the problems that university students perceive in the evaluation of their performance, in virtual learning environments (EVA), due to the Covid_19 Pandemic. It is becoming clear that the world was not sufficiently prepared to deal with a crisis caused by a pandemic, and both public and private organizations, have been affected. Higher education does not escape this reality, the evaluation process being the foundation of educational quality. Using a quantitative and qualitative methodology and a field research model, an online instrument (survey) was applied to a sample of 160 students (32%) from the International University of Science and Technology (UNICyT). The results obtained allow us to identify that 61% of the participants presented some change with their evaluation processes of their subjects or modules due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, among the factors that were indicated, highlighted by the students are Internet failures when it rains and intermittent lack of Internet. It has concluded that there are several causes that hinder the evaluation process of students in virtual learning environments or under the modality of distance education with new technologies. Internet services and electricity service respectively occupy important values, Internet and failures in electricity service together add up to 60%.
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